Thursday, February 12, 2009

To date, we have seen at least four of Obama’s nominations to Cabinet seats withdraw, and one, Timothy Geithner, the tax cheat, who was allowed in by a corrupt Senate panel. Here is the list of the four … with more to come.

Judd Gregg. The Republican senator from New Hampshire was chosen as commerce secretary. He withdrew his nomination today, citing "irresolvable conflicts" on issues including the economic stimulus package and the 2010 census control that the Obama camp has decided to take control of. More on this later.

Tom Daschle. Daschle is the former Democratic Senate Majority Leader who hails from South Dakota. We finally got this criminal voted out of office, but Obama chose him head the Health and Human Services Department. He withdrew Feb. 3 amid controversy over his failure to pay all his taxes in the last two years until after his selection. Good riddance! He was a throwback to the Clinton Era, which we all want to forget about.

Nancy Killefer. A former assistant treasury secretary and deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget during the Clinton administration —sound familiar? What new era of leadership? — who was selected by Big O to be the government's first chief performance officer. She withdrew Feb. 3 after it became known that she had failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help. Hmmmmm … seems to be a routine modus operandi for Democrats.

And there was Bill Richardson, the Democratic governor of New Mexico who was named as Obama's choice for commerce secretary on Dec. 3. He withdrew on Jan. 4 when it was revealed that his confirmation hearings would be complicated by a grand jury investigation over how state contracts were issued to political donors. And to think many of us actually thought this guy was honorable.

Back to the census thing.

The Census Bureau function is to perform a census every ten years to count the number of people living in America and where they live. These data are used to draw voter districts as well as adding new House seats when the population surpasses a certain number, which varies from state to state and district to district.

From an uneducated point of view, the control of the census from within the White House may not seem like a problem. And if you are a Democrat, you most likely love the idea, since it opens the door for fraud, which is the Democrat’s forte.
And that is the nut of the thing: it WILL be used for fraud.

So, as we have seen today, if the Obama camp proceeds to take control of this non-partisan entity, the Republicans will take the matter to court. The problem is that liberal judges control many of our courts, so it will be interesting going.