Friday, February 6, 2009

Democrat Senators Using Scare Tactics, Again!

Today the fight is on in the Senate over the Stimulus Bill (the name changes all the time). Dick Durbin, the Illinois Senator, claimed, "Every time we lop off $100 billion, we're lopping off jobs." Total bullshit. What about the frisbee park, Durbin? What kind of jobs does this giveaway provide? Better yet, which one of you Democrats put this into the bill, and why, and who for?

Dingy Harry Reid said, "They cannot hold the president of the United States hostage. And if they think they can rewrite this bill ... they've got another thing coming."

Now there's some bipartisanship! I often wonder why the good people of Nevada keep sending this clown to Washington.

Obama and the Democrats are trying to force this bill through without any one really knowing what is in it. The scare tactics that Obama has used include going on TV (he's a camera slut, much like Bill Clinton was) and claiming that if this bill isn't passed immediately, it will be a "catastrophe" to the economy! Oh, please! Spare us with such drivel.

We can only hope that the Republican senators stand by the people and cut ALL of the earmarks Pelosi and the rest of the House Democrats attached onto the bill, and leave only the items that will do what it is supposed to do: put Americans to work.

Personally, I feel the whole idea of deficit spending is wrong. It didn't work for FDR. In fact, it hastened the country falling into the Depression. But liberal historians want to wash that out and rewrite history. Sorry, many of us are not products of the unionized educational system: we think for ourselves and challenge everything by studying and searching for the truth.

Hopefully, this bill will crumble today.