Friday, February 13, 2009

Dingy Harry's Pet Train

This is precious.

At the last minute, Dingy Harry penciled an $8 billion (with a B) earmark for a bullet train to run from Anaheim, California, where Disneyland is, directly to Las Vegas, which is Dingy Harry's state and district in Nevada. 

Eight billion dollars.

And Obama lied to the American public telling them that there were NO earmarks in the bill. We all know this is bullshit, but what is worse is that not one media outlet, sans Fox, is exposing such scamming of our children's future. I honestly cannot believe that the American public is so stupid, but then again, I guess that is why I am doing this damn blog; history needs to be kept accurately so we can expose these criminals in the future. However, I feel it will be much too late by then.

FaceLift queen Nancy Pelosi (excuse me...I seem to be falling into the liberal mentality of call my opposition names), wh0 has the IQ of a fence post, shoved this Pork Bill through the House as if it was the panacea for America's woes. Hey, this thing is over 1,100 pages and not one —NOT ONE! — Congressman has read this bill. How could they? It was written and voted on in less than 12 hours.

This is one of the most egregious, most unbelievable event in my lifetime. It is unfathomable, and it is a direct assault on all that is right with our country.

The Senate will pass this Pork Bill within the hour, as we all predicted.

I feel sick. I'm going to go and drink a fleet of gin and tonics. Happy Friday, America.