Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Big Three and the Left

Late last fall, after the Democrats gained full control of the Congress, a bill was passed to supposedly save the Big Three auto makers. However, only GM and Chrysler took the money. But what the public did not know at the time that the money was used strictly to shore up the retirement and benefit systems of the auto makers, and had nothing to do with helping them survive. 

And now GM has basically told Congress that it needs a continued influx of money or it will go bankrupt. In other words, it is holding taxpayers responsible to bail it, and its union, out of a continuing nosedive from which it will not survive anyway.

For decades, the auto makers have kow-towed to a union comprised of overpaid, unskilled workers who have held the American auto buyer hostage. It is a known fact that GM has put the figure of $7,300 per car (not model, but per vehicle) that rolls off the assembly line to pay for just the retirement and health benefits for its union thugs. This does not even cover salaries. 

And the unions want more.

Unfortunately, GM and Chrysler will get the money. We have a Congress that was elected in large part to the auto unions and their control over the American auto manufacturers, and now the Democrats are going to pay off that debt with the taxpayers' money. 

GM has already taken $9.4 billion, and Chrysler just over $4 billion. And today they are getting another $4 billion and $3 billion, respectively, to continue building cars that nobody wants just to keep unskilled union workers on the payroll. 

And those who are beholden to the auto unions are working on giving them additional tax dollars even though they know these companies are going to have to file bankruptcy. 

It is criminal, and is an affront to the free market system. And there appears nothing can be done to stop this wasteful spending of money.