Friday, February 13, 2009

Aside #1

From time to time I will deviate from Obama and his reign of terror on America and Capitalism. These offshoots will come under the title of Asides. This is the first one.

This week, Bill O'Reilly made a quip about the columnist Helen Thomas. O'Reilly made mention of Helen's voice crackling as she asked Obama a previously filtered question in regards to Iraq, and said she sounded like the "Wicked Witch of the West." Now, it was hilarious, but true. (I think it was the Witch of the East that was wicked, but I really never watched the movie.)

Anyway, Courtney Martin from some liberal womans' group, came on Bill's show and demanded he apologize to Helen Thomas. Bill made the point of asking Ms. Martin where she and her group were when the liberal left wackos were attacking Sarah Palin and calling her a "cunt" and wearing shirts that said the same. Here they are:

The party of tolerance ... my ass.

Helen Thomas, in an interview, was asked if she was a liberal ... an obvious question. What was astounding, and what I have known my whole life, was what she said. She replied, "I am a journalist! Of course I'm a liberal!" Proof positive, folks.

Back to this idiot Martin. When O'Reilly pressed Martin about why her group did not defend Sarah Palin, her only response was to iterate what an historic journalist Helen Thomas is (however, Thomas is not a journalist; she is a columnist, so bias is part of her job), and that Bill had made fun of such an important mention about Palin, who is rated as one of Alaska's most effective Governors of all time.

At any rate, Bill could have destroyed this woman if he would have o
nly used the "cunt" pictures. Here are T-shirts the Democrats were selling:

These are truly sick people, and they are the  real core of the Democrat party. Let us never forget about the evilness of those on the Left. They defy intelligence and decency. 

They are an Obamination, of course.

Oh, I almost forgot: they voted for "change."

I am posting these so that they are not lost over time. We must never forget what the Left will do when faced with a strong woman who defies their ideals of socialism and government control over every aspect of one's life.