Saturday, February 7, 2009

Three Blind Sheep

It appears that Obama's bill to send the country into bankruptcy is going to pass thanks to three moderate GOP pansies. Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snow of Maine, as well as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, have jumped ship and vote for the bill. This will give the Democrats enough to stop a fillibuster by GOP members.

Mark my words: This bill will do nothing for the economy, Americans, or anyone else. In fact, we will see hyperinflation starting some time late this year, and like FDR's stimulus, the deficit spending will only prolong our suffering. 

Over 80% of the jobs in this country are created by small businesses with less than 500 employees. This bill will only create government jobs. It is the largest transfer of money from the citizens to the government, and will set us down the slippery slope to a socialistic state.