Friday, February 6, 2009

The Most Ethical Administration Since ... Clinton

Not even three weeks into his much touted first 100 days of "Change" and we have seen Obama try and appoint another tax cheat. Tom Daschle seems to be like so many other liberals who espouse higher taxes, but only for the "little people." Like Leona Helmsley, Al Franken, Timothy Geithner, Leon Panetta ... the list is endless ... Daschle seems to think he is above paying his taxes.

Unfortunately for Obama, he isn't intelligent enough to surround himself with competent — or honest — people. He had no idea what was in his two Executive Orders he signed his first week of playing POTUS; he had one of his staff write them. And of course, as we have seen in the polls (liberals love polls), the majority of Americans are against both the closing of Gitmo, and the spending of their taxes for abortions in far away countries.

And now, as the truth of this wasteful, pork-laden so-called stimulus bill gets known to the American people, Obama is seeing a huge backlash, and his response is to go on television and complain about Republicans. He's finding out not all Americans are slobbering robots destined to swallow anything he feeds them. Today, his bill has less than a 35% approval rating, and is continuing to dive. Obama promised that ALL new bills his administration would be uploaded to the White House web site five (5) days before they would be voted on. However, this was a total lie; not one has ever been posted. Period. He promised that every new bill would be build with bipartisanship; however, we now see, again, that bipartisanship means that Republicans or Independents can have a say in what is in the bill, and questioning what is in a bill written by Democrats is proof you are a partisan.

What was it both Obama and Pelosi said: We (I) won. Get used to it!

Such lovely people we have in Washington.

But as we all now know, Obama had zero to do with the Stimulus Bill; it was totally written by Democrats in the House. What it contains is hundreds of billions of borrowed money to pay off all the special interests the Democrats needed to keep power. It is pathetic, and shows not only the contempt of the Left, but also the corruption of these people.

But back to Daschle.

Mea culpa ...

Obama stood behind Daschle all the way to the point where the Democrats finally figured out that Daschle was just a little worse than the tax cheat Geithner, and was told to withdraw. Now our illustrious leader says he “made a mistake” in not vetting Tom Daschle a little better. The truth, again, is that Obama had nothing to do with vetting Daschle or any one else; he left that up to many of the inept people he has surrounded himself with.

The amount of corruption we see in the people connected with Obama is stunning, but expected. The arrogance of the Democratic leadership (that is an oxymoron of the ages) would be laughable if what they are doing wasn’t so dangerous to the future of the country, and our children. And to think we still have 3 years, 11 months, and … how many days?