Saturday, February 14, 2009

Chicago (Democrat) Politics

Ex-governor Rod Blagojevich (Blago from now on) has been outed for the criminal he is. It appears that the man he selected to take over Obama's Senate seat, one Roland Burris, has been caught up in lying to the Illinois House Impeachment Committee when he told them he had not been asked to give money to the Friends of Blago fund. The fact is, indeed, Blago's brother, Robert Blagojevish, in a move to remove Blago from any connection to the illegal act, had demanded Burris pay $10,000 for the seat appointment. According to Burris, he and Brother Blago met three times. He originally told the panel he never met Blago's brother. I guess it was a simple Freudian slip ...

Burris, in a sworn affidavit delivered to the House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, acknowledged that he was asked to pay $10,000 for the appointment. However, he states in his after-the-fact-I-lied-to-you confession that he did not pay the $10,000.

This is simply further proof of the corruption of the Illinois Democratic machine — Obama's machine — and its grip on the state. It appears the politics of Richard M. Daley will live forever in and around Chicago and in the state's politics.