Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Obama's War

Candidate Obama ran for two years on his promise to bring the troops home. "The wrong war, at the wrong time." However, by the time he was elected in November, the Iraq war was basically won. What little rebel activity seen there is a shadow of what it was before the "surge," which we all now know was a brilliant and successful move by president Bush and General Petraeus.

But last night it was learned that Obama has quietly promised to send an additional 17,000 to 25,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan, which we heard today will be a move that will mean our troops will be there for another five to ten years.

Afghanistan is now Obama's war. However, not one leading magazine or web site, sans Fox News, seems to deem this major deployment of U.S. military into harm's way to be worthy of mentioning. This is a huge double standard that is going to go public very soon, and not to the glee of the Obama supporters. After all, he promised to bring the troops home within twelve months ... and not just from Iraq, which is already a moot discussion since Iraq is all but being run and protected by Iraqis.

The bright side of all this is that we have the best trained, best equipped, and most patriotic men and women the world has ever seen. Being a veteran myself, I stand with them, at all times, in all the world, in all they do.

God bless them, and I wish them Godspeed ... always.