Sunday, February 15, 2009

Smartest Man in the World ...

Gotta love this one.

Obama, after he signs our children's' futures away Monday, has made it public that he will now tackle ... get this ... the deficit! Now, this is really an intelligent move from the Messiah. After all, it was him and his cronies in the House and Senate who rammed this huge Pork Bill down our throats. And now he says he needs to tackle the very problem he and Pelosi and Reid have crated.

I swear, we are surrounded by idiots.

What this means is that we are going to see tax increases. Huge, uncontrolled tax increases. And they will target the 80% of the country who create not only jobs, but wealth: small businesses. How else can our government attempt to pay for trillions of dollars spent in giveaway/make-work projects? (Rhetorical question, no answer expected since you already know the answer.) Even if we taxed the so-called wealthy 100%, meaning took all their assets, we would only be able to run our bloated government for less than one year.

We are going to see increased taxes on everything from gasoline, to phone and Internet services, all utilities, and anything else that has a federal tax attached to it. And new taxes will find their way into damn near everything else we touch, eat, and use to survive in this wretched time.

Not only are these new taxes and increases going to come from the fed, but also from the states and manufacturers. It already has happened. In my home state, our local taxes have risen, as have all utility excise taxes, even though we are using less. Now they are going to add another 5-10¢ per gallon of gas, and we have the highest state gas tax in the union.

Just this past two weeks, those of us in the magazine publishing business saw Anderson News try and force publishers to pay an additional 7¢ per copy placed on the newsstand (not sold, just placed) as well as exorbitant so-called "warehousing" fees. This was not because of an increase in costs; rather, it was because newsstand sales have dropped off the past few years and Anderson's bottom line was not as good as it used to be. In other words, they tried to hijack the publishers to keep their income up. 

It didn't work. Not only did all of us smaller publishers tell them to shove it, Time, Inc., one of the largest publishing houses in the nation, refused to pay the tariff. So, as of two weeks ago, Anderson News lost about 75% of its business, and folded in one day. 

But what can we do to stop the feds? Not much, other than to boycott with our pocketbook. However, until the majority of Americans actually start to suffer, they will continue to pay for the items and services that fuel our instant gratifications.