Friday, February 20, 2009

We Got Your Money ...

We Gonna Spend Your Money ...

We Gonna Print Some More!

Aside #2

It's hard to fathom the amount of money GM is trying to weasel from the taxpayer. As we already know, they were given several billion dollars for what they said was to restructure plants to produce cars people would buy. That, of course, was a lie. It was used to prop up its unique health and retirement plan for the unskilled labor employees in the UAW.

Now, GM is seeking an additional $16 billion in government aid ... for now ... and this does not c
ount the $8 billion it wants to develop new fuel efficient vehicles, or another $6 billion it is trying to get from foreign governments.

The fact is, for the money that GM has already been given, and what is is asking for (and will get, thanks to the Democrats), the federal government could buy hundreds of thousands of GM vehicles and give them away to the public. 

But the real thorn in my ass with GM is the union's strangle hold on it and the outrageous retirement and health benefits these unskilled union laborers receive. 

GM has in place a retirement program that allows workers to retire with 30 years of service to the company. Not only do they get a generous retirement paycheck, they also receive fr
ee health insurance for life. No wonder American automobiles cost so damn much. A high school graduate can enter the GM workforce at 18, drive a forklift for 30 years, and start collecting retirement benefits at age 48, with free health insurance for life and regular cost of living allowances. Sounds an awful lot like the Congress retirement plan, which takes affect with only 6 years of federal service, and has a few zeros added to the amount of the monthly paycheck.

And the rest of us foot the bill.

I'm willing to bet that damn near every American taxpayer would jump at the opportunity to have the deal that the UAW worker gets. However, I couldn't do the work. I'd be bored silly and have to go find a real, stimulating job. After all, these are repetitive, mindless jobs that a monkey could do. For that matter, robots could do the exact same job for a fraction of the cost, and with less faults and lemons rolling off the lots. And we could save thousands of dollars when buying one of these better-built vehicles.

But for all the money the Democrats are throwing at GM (read UAW benefits) it is a fact that GM and Chrysler will end up in bankruptcy court within a year. And all the taxpayers' money that was thrown at them to pay back the union voting block will all have been for naught.

And to think that many Americans think the government should be running the banking industry and the health care system. Hell, they cannot even police themselves, much less run a business...their track record proves this out.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Who's the Coward?

Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder, had the audacity to call America "a nation of cowards" today as he was talking to Justice Department employees. He said that although we integrate well in the workplace, he laments that we self-integrate on the weekends.

He bloviates this bullshit during Black History Month, which I feel is racist on his part. After all, blacks only make up about 12% of the total population: there are several other races that far surpass this percentage, yet he aims this at black and white.
America has made tremendous advancements in race relations in the last 50 years. Of course, the stigma of racism's past will always be here, but until the black community stops being held down by the likes of Rev. Jackson and other so-called black leaders we will always have the race card being played by these people. 

It is a sad fact that the black leaders of this country, those who could and should promote the assimilation of all people into society continue to bash those blacks who actually succeed in America. To wit:

Colin Powell: the most powerful black man to ever serve in the U.S. military, a brilliant tactician in warfare, the first and only black man to server on the Joint Chief of Staff, was the first black Secretary of State under George W. Bush, served as National Security Advisor, and was Commander in Chief, Army Forces Command. General Powell was labeled an Uncle Tom by the black community ... until he jumped ship and put his support behind Obama.

Clarence Thomas: The most powerful black man in the world, serving on the U.S. Supreme Court. Vilified by the left as an Uncle Tom (pretty immature, don't you think?) and falsely accused by Anita Hill as groping her, Clarence Thomas has been ostracized by not only the Democrats, but the so-called black leadership to include the illustrious Jesse Jackson, the racist Louis Farrakhan, Charley Rangel the tax cheat Democrat House member from New York, the Reverend Al Sharpton (who I actually have some respect for ... at times), and a plethora of other black people in the lime light.

Dr. Condoleezza Rice ... I will expand on this brilliant political science master later.

And so many more.

Obama's War

Candidate Obama ran for two years on his promise to bring the troops home. "The wrong war, at the wrong time." However, by the time he was elected in November, the Iraq war was basically won. What little rebel activity seen there is a shadow of what it was before the "surge," which we all now know was a brilliant and successful move by president Bush and General Petraeus.

But last night it was learned that Obama has quietly promised to send an additional 17,000 to 25,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan, which we heard today will be a move that will mean our troops will be there for another five to ten years.

Afghanistan is now Obama's war. However, not one leading magazine or web site, sans Fox News, seems to deem this major deployment of U.S. military into harm's way to be worthy of mentioning. This is a huge double standard that is going to go public very soon, and not to the glee of the Obama supporters. After all, he promised to bring the troops home within twelve months ... and not just from Iraq, which is already a moot discussion since Iraq is all but being run and protected by Iraqis.

The bright side of all this is that we have the best trained, best equipped, and most patriotic men and women the world has ever seen. Being a veteran myself, I stand with them, at all times, in all the world, in all they do.

God bless them, and I wish them Godspeed ... always.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Change We Need

This has always been a pet peeve of mine with Obama: Change.

He used the mantra "Change We Need" throughout his campaign, a well worn, trite, and banal cliché that held no water.

But what change did we get from the Messiah?

This pretty much says it all. Some change.

AIG and Congress

It appears that the members of Congress have a huge vested interest in American International Group (AIG).

Back in September, 2008, the U.S. government made quick work in taking over AIG, which was sitting at an $85 billion deficit. This was one of the first, and one of the largest, bailouts the feds did in the early stages of the economic meltdown.

But the question is why?

The reason is that a majority of the Congressional retirement funds are held in ... guess who?: AIG. So what we have seen is that the Congress was quick to save their own money long before they even thought about helping the average American worker who has had to scrimp and save to try and build something for their retirement.

This puts the fed in a strange predicament: the full control of a private insurer. This is highly unusual, particularly since AIG is not directly regulated by the U.S. government. But once you know why, then it all falls into place.

It's amazing what we are finding out these days about our elected officials and their self-centered concerns. It is high time for real change, or we may soon see the U.S. going along the same route as Venezuela.

Dow Plunges on Stimulus Bill Passing

The Dow Industrials plunged over 250 points this morning on continuing fear about Obama's Pork Bill signing today. As more and more is learned of the incredulously wasteful spending in this bill that has absolutely nothing to do with economic stimulus, Americans are finally coming to grips with the long term damage this bill will do.

Other fears are about the coming meltdown of the American auto industry, a dinosaur that needs to break its chain of union control, or die the natural death it is destined for. 

As the country spirals down into a recession and more and more people are losing jobs, Obama is spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars trying to defend the Pork Bill. Today, as another show of arrogance and wasteful government spending of our money, Obama is flying into Denver to sign the Pork Bill. Why not sign it where it is, at the White House? Why fly to Denver, on the taxpayers' money, to sign our children's futures away into a debt that can never be paid off?

This is just one leg of his country-wide junket in which he is trying to tell the American people what a great thing the Pork Bill is, all the while he, as well as every member of Congress who passed this messy thing, have never even read the bill. 

Pathetic, but this is business as usual in our government.

The Big Three and the Left

Late last fall, after the Democrats gained full control of the Congress, a bill was passed to supposedly save the Big Three auto makers. However, only GM and Chrysler took the money. But what the public did not know at the time that the money was used strictly to shore up the retirement and benefit systems of the auto makers, and had nothing to do with helping them survive. 

And now GM has basically told Congress that it needs a continued influx of money or it will go bankrupt. In other words, it is holding taxpayers responsible to bail it, and its union, out of a continuing nosedive from which it will not survive anyway.

For decades, the auto makers have kow-towed to a union comprised of overpaid, unskilled workers who have held the American auto buyer hostage. It is a known fact that GM has put the figure of $7,300 per car (not model, but per vehicle) that rolls off the assembly line to pay for just the retirement and health benefits for its union thugs. This does not even cover salaries. 

And the unions want more.

Unfortunately, GM and Chrysler will get the money. We have a Congress that was elected in large part to the auto unions and their control over the American auto manufacturers, and now the Democrats are going to pay off that debt with the taxpayers' money. 

GM has already taken $9.4 billion, and Chrysler just over $4 billion. And today they are getting another $4 billion and $3 billion, respectively, to continue building cars that nobody wants just to keep unskilled union workers on the payroll. 

And those who are beholden to the auto unions are working on giving them additional tax dollars even though they know these companies are going to have to file bankruptcy. 

It is criminal, and is an affront to the free market system. And there appears nothing can be done to stop this wasteful spending of money.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Smartest Man in the World ...

Gotta love this one.

Obama, after he signs our children's' futures away Monday, has made it public that he will now tackle ... get this ... the deficit! Now, this is really an intelligent move from the Messiah. After all, it was him and his cronies in the House and Senate who rammed this huge Pork Bill down our throats. And now he says he needs to tackle the very problem he and Pelosi and Reid have crated.

I swear, we are surrounded by idiots.

What this means is that we are going to see tax increases. Huge, uncontrolled tax increases. And they will target the 80% of the country who create not only jobs, but wealth: small businesses. How else can our government attempt to pay for trillions of dollars spent in giveaway/make-work projects? (Rhetorical question, no answer expected since you already know the answer.) Even if we taxed the so-called wealthy 100%, meaning took all their assets, we would only be able to run our bloated government for less than one year.

We are going to see increased taxes on everything from gasoline, to phone and Internet services, all utilities, and anything else that has a federal tax attached to it. And new taxes will find their way into damn near everything else we touch, eat, and use to survive in this wretched time.

Not only are these new taxes and increases going to come from the fed, but also from the states and manufacturers. It already has happened. In my home state, our local taxes have risen, as have all utility excise taxes, even though we are using less. Now they are going to add another 5-10¢ per gallon of gas, and we have the highest state gas tax in the union.

Just this past two weeks, those of us in the magazine publishing business saw Anderson News try and force publishers to pay an additional 7¢ per copy placed on the newsstand (not sold, just placed) as well as exorbitant so-called "warehousing" fees. This was not because of an increase in costs; rather, it was because newsstand sales have dropped off the past few years and Anderson's bottom line was not as good as it used to be. In other words, they tried to hijack the publishers to keep their income up. 

It didn't work. Not only did all of us smaller publishers tell them to shove it, Time, Inc., one of the largest publishing houses in the nation, refused to pay the tariff. So, as of two weeks ago, Anderson News lost about 75% of its business, and folded in one day. 

But what can we do to stop the feds? Not much, other than to boycott with our pocketbook. However, until the majority of Americans actually start to suffer, they will continue to pay for the items and services that fuel our instant gratifications.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

How they Voted

The Obama Pork Bill passed the Senate last night, as expected, and Big O will sign the dubious bill on Monday starting a chain reaction that will lead America into hyperinflation and a descent into deficits that we will never, ever get out of. 

Even though there were 11 Democrats who courageously voted against the original Pork Bill, they succumbed to pressure from Dingy Harry and the other double-digit IQ members of the Senate.

Let it noted that all Democrats, as well as two Independents (Sanders, VT, and Lieberman, CT) and three GOP liberals (Collins and Snow, ME, and Spector, PA) voted for the bill. The ginned up woman killer Ted Kennedy was absent and the second Senator from Minnesota (who will be so-called comedian Al Franken) has not been appointed but we can assume these two would walk in lockstep with the rest of their ilk.

It is a sad day for America when one party can control 100% of both the Executive and Legislative Branches of the government. This is how tyrants are born, and how empires are destroyed. This is what happens when an ignorant electorate is consumed with idolatry, believing that government can solve their woes, and that a man who talks like he knows everything, but in reality is simply and uniformed puppet of his party, will lead them out of the proverbial Egypt.

I hate to be so negative, but dire times await us. There is not stopping it now. In effect, we are under a totalitarian government now, and maybe forever.

Chicago (Democrat) Politics

Ex-governor Rod Blagojevich (Blago from now on) has been outed for the criminal he is. It appears that the man he selected to take over Obama's Senate seat, one Roland Burris, has been caught up in lying to the Illinois House Impeachment Committee when he told them he had not been asked to give money to the Friends of Blago fund. The fact is, indeed, Blago's brother, Robert Blagojevish, in a move to remove Blago from any connection to the illegal act, had demanded Burris pay $10,000 for the seat appointment. According to Burris, he and Brother Blago met three times. He originally told the panel he never met Blago's brother. I guess it was a simple Freudian slip ...

Burris, in a sworn affidavit delivered to the House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie, acknowledged that he was asked to pay $10,000 for the appointment. However, he states in his after-the-fact-I-lied-to-you confession that he did not pay the $10,000.

This is simply further proof of the corruption of the Illinois Democratic machine — Obama's machine — and its grip on the state. It appears the politics of Richard M. Daley will live forever in and around Chicago and in the state's politics.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Aside #1

From time to time I will deviate from Obama and his reign of terror on America and Capitalism. These offshoots will come under the title of Asides. This is the first one.

This week, Bill O'Reilly made a quip about the columnist Helen Thomas. O'Reilly made mention of Helen's voice crackling as she asked Obama a previously filtered question in regards to Iraq, and said she sounded like the "Wicked Witch of the West." Now, it was hilarious, but true. (I think it was the Witch of the East that was wicked, but I really never watched the movie.)

Anyway, Courtney Martin from some liberal womans' group, came on Bill's show and demanded he apologize to Helen Thomas. Bill made the point of asking Ms. Martin where she and her group were when the liberal left wackos were attacking Sarah Palin and calling her a "cunt" and wearing shirts that said the same. Here they are:

The party of tolerance ... my ass.

Helen Thomas, in an interview, was asked if she was a liberal ... an obvious question. What was astounding, and what I have known my whole life, was what she said. She replied, "I am a journalist! Of course I'm a liberal!" Proof positive, folks.

Back to this idiot Martin. When O'Reilly pressed Martin about why her group did not defend Sarah Palin, her only response was to iterate what an historic journalist Helen Thomas is (however, Thomas is not a journalist; she is a columnist, so bias is part of her job), and that Bill had made fun of such an important mention about Palin, who is rated as one of Alaska's most effective Governors of all time.

At any rate, Bill could have destroyed this woman if he would have o
nly used the "cunt" pictures. Here are T-shirts the Democrats were selling:

These are truly sick people, and they are the  real core of the Democrat party. Let us never forget about the evilness of those on the Left. They defy intelligence and decency. 

They are an Obamination, of course.

Oh, I almost forgot: they voted for "change."

I am posting these so that they are not lost over time. We must never forget what the Left will do when faced with a strong woman who defies their ideals of socialism and government control over every aspect of one's life.

Dingy Harry's Pet Train

This is precious.

At the last minute, Dingy Harry penciled an $8 billion (with a B) earmark for a bullet train to run from Anaheim, California, where Disneyland is, directly to Las Vegas, which is Dingy Harry's state and district in Nevada. 

Eight billion dollars.

And Obama lied to the American public telling them that there were NO earmarks in the bill. We all know this is bullshit, but what is worse is that not one media outlet, sans Fox, is exposing such scamming of our children's future. I honestly cannot believe that the American public is so stupid, but then again, I guess that is why I am doing this damn blog; history needs to be kept accurately so we can expose these criminals in the future. However, I feel it will be much too late by then.

FaceLift queen Nancy Pelosi (excuse me...I seem to be falling into the liberal mentality of call my opposition names), wh0 has the IQ of a fence post, shoved this Pork Bill through the House as if it was the panacea for America's woes. Hey, this thing is over 1,100 pages and not one —NOT ONE! — Congressman has read this bill. How could they? It was written and voted on in less than 12 hours.

This is one of the most egregious, most unbelievable event in my lifetime. It is unfathomable, and it is a direct assault on all that is right with our country.

The Senate will pass this Pork Bill within the hour, as we all predicted.

I feel sick. I'm going to go and drink a fleet of gin and tonics. Happy Friday, America.

Down Party Lines

Today, the House of representatives passed the Pork Bill straight down Party lines. I have to give credit to the GOP for standing firm on this disastrous bill. They are making sure that the Democrats will get full credit for this totally asinine spending bill, which does absolutely nothing to create one single REAL job. (I know this. I spent 17 years working for the Fed and can honestly state, unequivocally, that we could fire half of the government workforce, sans the military, and tomorrow morning everything would run just as efficient ... maybe more so.)

As we all know, this Pork Bill (the REAL name of the bill) was rammed down our throats by liberals who seem to think they have been given carte blanche in running the country (into the ground). I wonder if they even realize that over 50 million people voted against the Big O ... or that out of 310 million people, less than 20% voted for Obama?

Dingy Harry and two the three GOP weasels.
And now we go to the Senate, where Dingy Harry and his cohorts seem to have wined and dined the three liberals in disguise, Specter, Snow, and Collins enough to get these three suck-ups to vote for this wasteful bill.

We have only one saving grace, albeit an extremely thin one: maybe two 
of these three sheep will come to their senses and vote nay, thereby allowing a filibuster to stop this destruction of the U.S. economy.

But don't hold your breath.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

To date, we have seen at least four of Obama’s nominations to Cabinet seats withdraw, and one, Timothy Geithner, the tax cheat, who was allowed in by a corrupt Senate panel. Here is the list of the four … with more to come.

Judd Gregg. The Republican senator from New Hampshire was chosen as commerce secretary. He withdrew his nomination today, citing "irresolvable conflicts" on issues including the economic stimulus package and the 2010 census control that the Obama camp has decided to take control of. More on this later.

Tom Daschle. Daschle is the former Democratic Senate Majority Leader who hails from South Dakota. We finally got this criminal voted out of office, but Obama chose him head the Health and Human Services Department. He withdrew Feb. 3 amid controversy over his failure to pay all his taxes in the last two years until after his selection. Good riddance! He was a throwback to the Clinton Era, which we all want to forget about.

Nancy Killefer. A former assistant treasury secretary and deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget during the Clinton administration —sound familiar? What new era of leadership? — who was selected by Big O to be the government's first chief performance officer. She withdrew Feb. 3 after it became known that she had failed for a year and a half to pay employment taxes on household help. Hmmmmm … seems to be a routine modus operandi for Democrats.

And there was Bill Richardson, the Democratic governor of New Mexico who was named as Obama's choice for commerce secretary on Dec. 3. He withdrew on Jan. 4 when it was revealed that his confirmation hearings would be complicated by a grand jury investigation over how state contracts were issued to political donors. And to think many of us actually thought this guy was honorable.

Back to the census thing.

The Census Bureau function is to perform a census every ten years to count the number of people living in America and where they live. These data are used to draw voter districts as well as adding new House seats when the population surpasses a certain number, which varies from state to state and district to district.

From an uneducated point of view, the control of the census from within the White House may not seem like a problem. And if you are a Democrat, you most likely love the idea, since it opens the door for fraud, which is the Democrat’s forte.
And that is the nut of the thing: it WILL be used for fraud.

So, as we have seen today, if the Obama camp proceeds to take control of this non-partisan entity, the Republicans will take the matter to court. The problem is that liberal judges control many of our courts, so it will be interesting going.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Three Blind Sheep

It appears that Obama's bill to send the country into bankruptcy is going to pass thanks to three moderate GOP pansies. Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snow of Maine, as well as Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, have jumped ship and vote for the bill. This will give the Democrats enough to stop a fillibuster by GOP members.

Mark my words: This bill will do nothing for the economy, Americans, or anyone else. In fact, we will see hyperinflation starting some time late this year, and like FDR's stimulus, the deficit spending will only prolong our suffering. 

Over 80% of the jobs in this country are created by small businesses with less than 500 employees. This bill will only create government jobs. It is the largest transfer of money from the citizens to the government, and will set us down the slippery slope to a socialistic state.

Obama is no FDR

Deep in the throes of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt gave an inspiring speech to scared and lost nation. In his speech, he uttered a line that rang true for all Americans. He said, "The only thing we need to fear, is fear itself." Those words helped calm a nation, although his deficit spending only managed to extend the misery for the nation.

When the country faced another economic downturn in the early 1060s, John F. Kennedy gave a rallying speech in which he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what can you do for your country." These words helped a nation understand that better times would lie ahead.

Ronald Reagan, always the positive, charismatic leader, inherited the second worst economy in the 20th century when he entered the White House. When he looked into the cameras and told a worried nation about his vision of America as " ... a shining city upon a hill," he instilled confidence and trust in a nation trying to get through 17% inflation and 20% interest rates.

And then there is Obama.

Yesterday, our inexperienced president went on television to try and justify his stimulus bill by instilling fear in a nation. Wanting to ramrod this useless and utterly dangerous stimulus bill through Congress, he frowned and talked about how the country would see an utter "catastrophe" if the bill wasn't signed that day. Of course, he has less than 30% approval rating for his package, thanks to Republicans holding up the bill and letting the nation know about all the pork spending in it that has absolutely nothing to do with creating real jobs. This bill as written is 90% social spending, and only 10% aimed at economic stimulus.

Unfortunately, Mr Obama is lacking interpersonal communications skills, although he is a talented gasbag. The very idea of scaring the American people is not only detrimental to the moral of the nation, but also shows a complete lack of integrity. Obama is in no way like FDR, or any other great president this country has been lucky enough to elect to the highest office.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Democrat Senators Using Scare Tactics, Again!

Today the fight is on in the Senate over the Stimulus Bill (the name changes all the time). Dick Durbin, the Illinois Senator, claimed, "Every time we lop off $100 billion, we're lopping off jobs." Total bullshit. What about the frisbee park, Durbin? What kind of jobs does this giveaway provide? Better yet, which one of you Democrats put this into the bill, and why, and who for?

Dingy Harry Reid said, "They cannot hold the president of the United States hostage. And if they think they can rewrite this bill ... they've got another thing coming."

Now there's some bipartisanship! I often wonder why the good people of Nevada keep sending this clown to Washington.

Obama and the Democrats are trying to force this bill through without any one really knowing what is in it. The scare tactics that Obama has used include going on TV (he's a camera slut, much like Bill Clinton was) and claiming that if this bill isn't passed immediately, it will be a "catastrophe" to the economy! Oh, please! Spare us with such drivel.

We can only hope that the Republican senators stand by the people and cut ALL of the earmarks Pelosi and the rest of the House Democrats attached onto the bill, and leave only the items that will do what it is supposed to do: put Americans to work.

Personally, I feel the whole idea of deficit spending is wrong. It didn't work for FDR. In fact, it hastened the country falling into the Depression. But liberal historians want to wash that out and rewrite history. Sorry, many of us are not products of the unionized educational system: we think for ourselves and challenge everything by studying and searching for the truth.

Hopefully, this bill will crumble today.

The Most Ethical Administration Since ... Clinton

Not even three weeks into his much touted first 100 days of "Change" and we have seen Obama try and appoint another tax cheat. Tom Daschle seems to be like so many other liberals who espouse higher taxes, but only for the "little people." Like Leona Helmsley, Al Franken, Timothy Geithner, Leon Panetta ... the list is endless ... Daschle seems to think he is above paying his taxes.

Unfortunately for Obama, he isn't intelligent enough to surround himself with competent — or honest — people. He had no idea what was in his two Executive Orders he signed his first week of playing POTUS; he had one of his staff write them. And of course, as we have seen in the polls (liberals love polls), the majority of Americans are against both the closing of Gitmo, and the spending of their taxes for abortions in far away countries.

And now, as the truth of this wasteful, pork-laden so-called stimulus bill gets known to the American people, Obama is seeing a huge backlash, and his response is to go on television and complain about Republicans. He's finding out not all Americans are slobbering robots destined to swallow anything he feeds them. Today, his bill has less than a 35% approval rating, and is continuing to dive. Obama promised that ALL new bills his administration would be uploaded to the White House web site five (5) days before they would be voted on. However, this was a total lie; not one has ever been posted. Period. He promised that every new bill would be build with bipartisanship; however, we now see, again, that bipartisanship means that Republicans or Independents can have a say in what is in the bill, and questioning what is in a bill written by Democrats is proof you are a partisan.

What was it both Obama and Pelosi said: We (I) won. Get used to it!

Such lovely people we have in Washington.

But as we all now know, Obama had zero to do with the Stimulus Bill; it was totally written by Democrats in the House. What it contains is hundreds of billions of borrowed money to pay off all the special interests the Democrats needed to keep power. It is pathetic, and shows not only the contempt of the Left, but also the corruption of these people.

But back to Daschle.

Mea culpa ...

Obama stood behind Daschle all the way to the point where the Democrats finally figured out that Daschle was just a little worse than the tax cheat Geithner, and was told to withdraw. Now our illustrious leader says he “made a mistake” in not vetting Tom Daschle a little better. The truth, again, is that Obama had nothing to do with vetting Daschle or any one else; he left that up to many of the inept people he has surrounded himself with.

The amount of corruption we see in the people connected with Obama is stunning, but expected. The arrogance of the Democratic leadership (that is an oxymoron of the ages) would be laughable if what they are doing wasn’t so dangerous to the future of the country, and our children. And to think we still have 3 years, 11 months, and … how many days?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Never Knew Him ...

It has been an amazing past week. I have been traveling on business and so much has happened I cannot even find the time to recount the events of our new president of change.

Obama has said, repeatedly, that he has never met or talked or knew or ... add anything here ... Chicago's finest, Rod Bagojevich, the dirtbag Governor with the foul-mouthed wife who was caught trying to sell Obama's empty Senator's seat in Congress. Of course, Blago denied it, Obama denied he talked to Blago, much less knew him, and Obama's Chief of Staff Raum Emanuel has said he never talked to Blago.

So what are these images of? Santa Claus in Chicago? You can't make this stuff up:

No, never talked to Blago



This is getting embarrassing!

And of course, Emanuel and Blago together again.

As we have seen, Obama, as well as his pick for Chief of Staff are either pathetic, pathological liars, or simply inept individuals who an inept electorate elected.