Thursday, April 9, 2009

Yo ... Obama! You DON'T speak for me!

 This guy is an idiot. 

How dare this ignorant fool go to Europe and tell those spineless wimps in Strausbourg that America ... and Americans ... have been "arrogant" and "dismissive" to our so-called allies across the pond! I think this poor excuse for an American president needs a lesson in history.

Who was it that sent its young men to Europe in 1917 to fight the Germans, who were slaughtering the British, taking over the Netherlands, pushing into France, and threatening the entire Continent? It was America, you imbecile. Our efforts beat the Germans back, raising our national debt from $2 billion to $20 billion, all in an effort to save those Europeans you claim we are "arrogant" to.

Who was it that sent its young men back to Europe in 1942 to save their pitiful asses, once again, from the Nazi army? Who sent millions of men and women, and billions of dollars, to beat the Nazis back from turning the entire Eurasia into a possession of Hitler for his infamous Third Reich? Once again, Obama, it was us "arrogant" Americans, who left tens of thousands of our boys in the ground "over there" fighting to save Europe. Did you not learn this in school?

Let's not forget who kicked the Spanish, and then the Japanese, out of the Philippines where they slaughtered millions of people in their ruthless quest to dominate the world. That would be America, again, to the rescue.

Which country, Obama, is the first, and usually the ONLY country to send money and aid to every shit hole country that has a national disaster, tsunami, hurricane, earthquake ... the list is endless ... or any other time we are asked for help? Oh ... that would be that "arrogant" country, my country, America.

Your asinine remark that "America is not a Christian country," leaves me speechless. How can you be so ignorant as to NOT know that this country ... that "arrogant" country you so hate and disrespect ... was built on Christian values, that every branch of our government is endowed with Christian values, that our money speaks of Christian values, that every oath taken in the line of service to America contains Christian values ... and that you yourself swore to uphold the Constitution of this "arrogant"country over the basis of all Christian values —the Bible?

You, sir, are an ignorant, pompous ass. You are an embarrassment to the very ideals this country was founded on, and to every American.

Mr. Obama, you do not speak for me — nor millions of other Americans — when you disgrace this country ... MY country ... when you blow millions of taxpayer dollars on your Gasbag Tour of Europe only to use such dysphemisms to deplore your country and its citizens. You are not worthy of the office you hold, and you are not worthy to represent this country.

We'll leave that bowing down like a submissive pussy to King Abdulla of Saudi Arabia to another time. Ditto with your careless statement that America ... that "arrogant" country ... will lead the world in nuclear disarmament. 

The bottom line is, you have done more to disgrace — and endanger — this country in three months than GW was able to do in eight years. 

God help us survive your reckless adventure of playing president of the most powerful country this world has ever seen!