Saturday, April 4, 2009

Chris Dodd Continues his Slide into Irrelevancy

Chris Dodd, the corrupt Democratic Senator from Connecticut, is trailing his challenger, former congressman Rob Simmons, by double digits. Simmons' 16-point lead in the polls is astronomical considering Connecticut is a liberal-leaning state.

Dodd has had a lot of political trouble in the last six months or so. Not only was Dodd instrumental in protecting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from federal auditors when they brought up the fact that these two institutions were in dire straits for making and buying sub prime loans, but he also is linked to illegal bribery/special treatment by Countrywide Financial. But the real reason he has fallen from political grace is his trying to hide (read flat out lying) the fact he wrote in the $400 million of AIG bonuses into the Pork Bill (Obama likes to call it the Stimulus Bill). The Pork Bill gave AIG some $173 billion of taxpayers' money. Nothing like paying off the very people who ran the company into the ground, and lost billions of investors' money.

How can I get a job like that?

The Senator has dropped to a 33% approval rating. This for a 30 year veteran Senator shows just how his electorate feels about the exposition of his corruptness. Even the New Haven Register has called him a "lying weasel." 

We can only hope that these figures stick, and maybe rise, so that by the election Dodd is tossed out of office, and maybe some federal attorney will instigate legal proceedings against this lying, corrupt politico. It would be karma to see him land in prison for a spell.

Now, let's see what comes of Dodd's accomplice in all this: Barney Frank.