Sunday, April 5, 2009

A New Saber Rattler

There is nothing so scary to a tyrant than to be threatened with sanctions. I'll bet it just makes them cower in a corner. 

Today, North Korean Klown Kim Jung Il "defied" world leaders and launched a ballistic missile over Japan, dropping the first stage 174 miles from Japan's coast, and the rest in the Pacific Ocean. And what does our illustrious president do? Why, demand that something be done! How about more sanctions on one of the poorest countries in the world? Yeah, that'll teach them!

Trying to act like a leader, Obama rattled his saber while demanding that the world's so-called leaders (the U.N. and its liars, thiefs, and worthless power) do something ... anything ... to punish North Korea. Honestly, does any one really think that words, especially from such a gasbag as Obama, will cause thugs to stop whatever they are doing? Earth to Obama: words don't mean a thing. Action and deeds do. 

The fact is, Obama's first world floor show was a flop. As much as Europe wants to praise him, Obama had no substance in his tour and subsequent bloviating in front of the G20 summit leaders. The only thing he did was succeed in begging French president Nicholas Sarkozy from walking out of the summit. For the most part, the European leaders saw Obama as a paper tiger. One member went so far as to say Obama was still wet behind the ears. Pathetic, but expected.

I didn't watch any of this, but I have to wonder: Did Obama bring his TelePrompTer? I'd be willing to bet money that he did. He can't speak without reading.

Back to the missile launch.

North Korean media claimed that the launch was a success, and that they had successfully put their first telecommunications satellite in orbit and it was transmitting the songs of Kim Jong Il and his late father ... how immature is that? However, both NORAD and Northern Command said that nothing entered orbit. So instead of this being a satellite launching test, it was viewed as North Korea's testing of intercontinental ballistic missile technology. 

The world is fast becoming a nuclear nightmare, and our leader is asking for sanctions against rogue nations. Our future on this planet is very uncertain, and it becomes more so on a daily basis. We need a real leader.