Monday, April 13, 2009

Navy Seals ... Semper Fi!

Pirate Vermin

This past week we had the pleasure of seeing how our CINC (Obama) handles a dicey situation. If this is how he is going to lead the military, we are in one disastrous four years.

A band of Somali dirtbags (aka pirates) made the mistake of highjacking a Maersk cargo ship that was flying an American flag. In the ensuing first hours, the crew sans the Captain grab a weapon from one of the pirates and the rest turned and ran away, grabbing Captain Richard Phillips on the way to a lifeboat. The reason they took the lifeboat was because they were afraid the rest of the crew would shoot back.

Once the pirates knew just who they had hostage, they demanded $2 million for his safe release. Four four days, the Navy dogged the lifeboat, tried to get the Captain released. The commander of the Naval ship had been requesting from the president the option of using deadly force, but the White House was deathly silent. Navy Seals were air dropped under the cover of darkness near the USS Bainbridge, the guided missile destroyer that had been dogging the lifeboat for four days, and were secretly brought on board. On Friday, once again Commander Frank Castellano asked the White House for the authority to use deadly force to free Captain Phillips. It wasn't until the next day, Saturday morning, that the president finally gave the go ahead. However, he specifically stated that it was not to be used unless Captain Phillips' life was in danger.

The life boat with four pirates and Captain Phillips had run out of fuel and had been bobbing around in the heavy seas. Finally, they relented and allowed the Bainbridge to toss a rope and tow the lifeboat out to calmer seas. This allowed three Navy Seal snipers to take position on the fantail of the Bainbridge. One of the pirates asked to come aboard the Bainbridge because he was a pussy and wanted to eat decent food, and get out of the bobbing lifeboat.

At the moment the three remaining pirates showed their heads outside of the covered lifeboat, Commander Castellano gave the OK to whack them. In seconds all three pirates' heads exploded with the echo of three single, simultaneous shots. Game over.

Semper Fi, boys!

Yesterday, a day after the masterful execution (no pun intended) of the pirate/hostage situation, president Obama said only that Captain Phillips was "a brave man." True, he is. But why didn't our president give one single praise to our Navy Seals who expertly ended the hostage crisis? Not one word of the Navy men and women involved leaked from his lips...until today.

Now that the situation ended in the best possible way, Obama comes public, taking full credit for delaying the operation for over four days, and then only allowing the use of deadly force if, and only if, the captive's life was in danger. If this would have gone sideways, and Captain Phillips killed in a rescue operation, we would have seen Obama blame the Navy. No doubt about it. I live the fact that many left wing bloggers, as well as other liberals, are going ape shit that out Navy busted the gourds of these vermin. This is hilarious.

I have to thank Commander Castellano for his expert ability to see that Captain Phillips was in danger ever since this fiasco started. He made the decision to kill these scum bags at the first chance. Bravo.

This is what we should do to pirate ships and ports.

At any rate, once again our military has done its job, artfully, perfectly, expertly. And we have a president who wants to gut defense spending, neutering our military. Let's pray this clown comes to his senses.