Thursday, April 9, 2009

Harvard Law Student Makes an Ass of Barney Frank

This is precious. This dude destroys the Massachusetts bumbler Barney Frank with cool, educated questions. And what does Frank do? He blames Bush, raises his voice, and attacks the law student, refusing to answer the questions. This will be talked about, and attacked by the leftist media, for years.

I am surprised that the people of Massachusetts keep electing this idiot. But then again, they are the people who keep Ted "The Lifeguard" Kennedy, and the phony three Purple Heart winner John "F_cking" Kerry, in Congress. (Hey, did you know that the guy Kerry "saved" in that Vietnam delta fiasco was actually thrown from the PT boat when the captain hauled ass out of there when a fire fight started? Guess who was the captain of the PT boat that ran away, then came back to pick up the man thrown overboard when he tore out of the hot spot? True story, folks.)