Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And So It Begins!

And so it begins …

America has elected its first pseudo African American (45% Kenyan, 5% African American, 40% white-of-English descent), which is quite a success in terms of racial equality, and must be respected. However, the country elected the wrong one. For in Obama we have seen the racist background of a man who has written two books on his false recollection of his father. But that has been beaten to death and nobody cares anymore.

Obama has succeeded in wooing the ignorant of the world. The magical phrase “Change we Need” has been an aphrodisiac to the masses of lost souls. And change we are going to get, but not in any sense of the right change.

For decades, the Democrats have besieged us that deficits are bad, evil things. Let’s think back to the first election of Bill Clinton, who promised tax relief while he was candidate Clinton. Once he became President Clinton, he said, “We have to have this big tax increase because deficits are the worst thing in the world.” Mind you, this was during an economic downturn in the U.S. economy. And now we have Obama promising trillions of dollars of deficit spending on non-producing infrastructure (this does nothing to help the real engine of the economy, small businesses), and telling us that this is needed to bring America back into prosperity. He and many in his realm liken him to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and in fact he is. But the hard truth is that FDR and his idiot Keynesian idea that the country could spend itself into prosperity kept the country in the Depression for an additional eight years. In fact, if it weren’t for WW II, it would have been decades before anything changed. FDR’s programs did nothing but strap us with debt and wasteful social programs, all of which have failed … Social Security seems to pop to the top of the list.

Of course, we must remember that FDR only continued Herbert Hoover’s (Republican) asinine ideas to deal with the Depression: higher taxes, more protectionism, more government deficit spending, more government debt … have we not learned a thing?

The answer is an obvious “No!”

But we can get back to the rewriting of history by the Left. Suffice it to say that any one who is a study of history knows the complete and utter failure of FDR and his policies. All one has to do is research the subject in non-secular, peer-reviewed journals to find out how the average two digit IQ American has been brainwashed.

But today is Obama’s day … and what the hell was Michelle thinking about her wardrobe? My God, I thought the black widow uniform was bad, but this was heinous! Of course, I didn’t watch any of it, but saw the couple on Foxnews.com. Personally, I’m sick of hearing about this guy. Which brings me to a few words I’ve coined. Mark my words: these will go down in history, and remember you saw them here first!

Obamagasm — This is what all those clowns in D.C. were having. Kind of like the wet spot in the pants thing. I still don/t get it; hero worship is something a Libertarian like me doesn’t follow.

Obamanomics — The capitulation of the American economy that follows the idea that government deficit spending on wasteful social programs is good.

Obamanism — Spiritual or secular belief … an epiphany of sorts … that Obama is the second coming of Christ … or that he is the Messiah. This will probably be the first to go once his policies bring on hyperinflation this coming fall, and he and his administration straddle us with debt that will never be paid off.

Obamaspeak — The magical ability to orate eclectic and moving speeches without saying a single substantive thing. Excellent opportunity here for a new college course taught by, who else:

Obamafessors — Liberal college professors who espouse Obamanomics and have had intimate experience with the Obamagasm.

So, we’re off! Obama has a whirlwind 100 days to pay back all the unions, uneducated school kids, eco-terrorists, and all the others he has promised something to. This is going to be one hell of goat rope! If anything, it will be an educational experience into the Liberal psyche!

PS: I wrote this at the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 9.6th grade so it would, hopefully, be easy to understand for those with a lower IQ.