Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Waste of Your Money

No matter what side of the abortion issue one stands on, it is a lose-lose position; nobody wins here.

Today, Obama plans on signing an Executive Order that will effectively allow American taxpayers to pay for abortions around the world. One would think this is about the last thing our country should be doing when we are in an economic collapse. But Obama has to buy off the abortion crowd who helped put him into the White House. Never mind that we have seen trillions of dollars of our retirement money dissapear thanks in large part to Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Obama and his ilk thing that money just grows on tree.

But wait ... it does! We are printing trillions of paper dollars to spend on wasteful social programs in the sick ... and very misguided ... idea that we can deficit spend our way out of this economic collapse. History proves otherwise, but we are in a new world of "change" we need. Right.

This is another attempt of Obama working to improve America's image in the world: give them money and they will like us!

I don't take a stand on abortion. It's not a winnable fight. My only concern is that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for all these tramps who are out getting laid with some zit-faced kid with a hard on, both of whom fail to use any type of protection. If taxpayers want to pay for these abortions, than it needs to be done through a private program paid for through donations from those who want to pay, and not from the general fund. Give them a tax deduction as long as the institution qualifies, but do not spend my money of these people.

The world is truly evil in some aspects.