Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sheeeee's Baaaack!

Today, we see the Senate succumbed by a vote of 94 to 2 to allow Hillary Clinton to be sworn in as Secretary of State. I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I do know this woman is not an honest or worthy person to hold any pubic office. I cannot even begin to check off the illegal things she has done while in Arkansas and the White House. Truly an evil woman, and I doubt she will have the respect that Dr. Rice — a person who actually has numerous degrees in this arena — had.

Here's a tasty image ...

But let’s get to this criminal Timothy Geitner, Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary. Geitner worked for the IMF for four years. The IMF is not responsible for withholding taxes for those it pays a salary to. Each year, the IMF had Geitner sign a paper acknowledging he was responsible for paying his payroll taxes (15+%) as well as income taxes. In addition, the IMF GAVE him the money over and above his salary to pay for these taxes. And what did he do? He pocketed the money.

This guy is a criminal and no one seems to care. He purposely, knowingly, evaded paying taxes (we’ll get to his Nannygate later), and the liberals think this is OK.

Remember Joe the Plumber? The guy who confronted candidate Obama about his taxing small businesses? Joe the Plumber got Obama to say, on tape, that he thought we should “spread the wealth.” Well, the left went ballistic, did illegal searches on Joe and found out he had a $2,000 tax liability he was paying back. The left, and all their bed buddies in the media, tried to destroy Joe the Plumber. But Geitner, now, he’s a Democrat, so it appears it’s OK for a Democrat to cheat on his taxes, but not Joe the Plumber.

The statue of limitations on tax cheats is two years. It has been a hell of lot longer than that. However, it just so happens that the IRS is not going to fine this tax cheat for all those years, or assess interest on the back taxes. I wonder who arranged that?

This guy is a dirt bag. He should be tossed in jail for tax evasion, as well being fined for the entire amount due for his actions.

And this is the guy Obama thinks should run the Treasury Department? This is like having the fox watch the chicken coop! Only a Democrat would like this.