Tuesday, January 27, 2009

They're Running Scared

Just in:

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — a minor hate group — has launched an attack on Rush Limbaugh based on selective quoting from his excellent interview by Shawn Hannity ... not my favorite guy, for sure.

Taken totally out of context ... which will be totally exposed within 24 hours (this is how the DNC Drive-By machine works) ... they only cut one section of the interview to send to their loser bloggers and other double-digit IQ followers (Hi Peolosi!).

What the real gist of Rush's word was, if Obama is going to try an follow FDR's failed idea of deficit spending, than he hopes he fails. Well, so do I as well of at least 47 million other Americans who voted against this phony American. Let's not forget that FDR failed miserably. His New Deal did not lift America out of the Depression. In fact, it worsened it by adding to our deficit and failed to produce a single private enterprise job. And it sold a hollow belief that Social Security was a retirement system, another total failure that the Democrats are trying desperately to rewrite.

So, the losers on the left are, as usual, expecting Americans to believe that Rush wants Obama to fail, when in fact he quoted, on tape, that as long as Obama wants to help and propel American ideals of promoting capitalism and personal responsibility, then he ... as well as the majority of Americans, will support him. However, if he is going to promote the idiotic idea that we need the government to support us, than all of us who value the true American values hope to hell he fails.

Just say no to Socialism. People need a helping hand up, not a hand out.

This is the good fight.