Monday, November 3, 2008

The Blog

The purpose of this blog is to record the Marxist Barack Hussein Obama's one-term presidency, and his attempt to destroy America’s economy, history, and ideals. Of course, he wouldn't be in this precarious position if the American voter had had any brains. But that has been the success of the Democrat Party: infiltrate our public schools with liberal, socialist teachers and professors; teach liberal/social ideals to malleable young kids; promote the sick idea that you cannot make it in the world without the government holding your hand from cradle to grave; use class warfare and pork barrel politics to promise voters that if you vote for them, they will promise you a free handout. The Socialist Karl Marx, indeed, is smiling in hell right now. The Democrats have used his playbook by, well … the book.

In the course of one’s life, economic ups and downs are inevitable. When the economy hits a low, like the one we are in now, it is human nature to want someone ... anyone ... to fix it. And it always comes down to the government as the one entity most people want to fix their personal woes in life. And so it goes that in almost all instances of economic downturn, the reining party in Washington is ousted under the slogan of "change." It isn't a coincidence that Obama has used this mantra of "change" to great affect.

But change what? The President? He's already out the door in January, but you wouldn't have known if from the past year's attacks on him by the Left. And just whom are they wanting to change? Unless you live in a vacuum (which it seems most of the voters do) it has been the Democrats who have controlled both houses of Congress for the last two years. It was the Democrats who ran the committees that had oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (can you say Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank for starters?). It was these two clowns and others to be named later who called the bipartisan oversight committee racists for even mentioning the fact that both of these institutions were breaking the law, and in the end destroyed our economy.

But the root of this entire sub-prime fiasco starts in 1999 with Bill Clinton. More on Clinton later....

So, it seems that the people are voting for more of the same. Can that really be? I must say, they wanted change two years ago when they voted in majorities in both houses of Congress. And what have the Democrats done in the last two years? To start, they have quite successfully lowered the approval rating of Congress to its lowest level in the history of recording: 17% approval rating as on November 3, 2008. Even president Bush, long the whipping boy since they can’t use Reagan any more, stands almost twice that at 30.3%. Pretty sad for the party in power, wouldn’t you think?

Secondly, the Democrats in charge were willing accomplices, along with the liberal media, in destroying the U.S. economy, wiping out over 6 trillion dollars of American’s net worth in less than three months, and successfully blaming it on “evil Republicans.”

So, the question should be asked: How do you like the change the Democrats have made in the last two years? They were the party in power. They controlled it all.

This is why I can say with positive conviction that the American voter is an idiot.

In the course of the next four years, we will shed light on all this as well as much, much more of the Democrat’s success at using taxpayer money to buy votes, destroy the U.S.’s wealth and power, and forge a new direction into Socialism, which will lessen the economic power of the country and eventually destroy all our forefathers fought and died to protect.

However, if there is one single caveat it will be a surprise, come from behind win by John McCain. Not that any of us like McCain, but he is far less evil than the Marxist Obama. If McCain pulls it out tomorrow night, than this blog will end. If Obama is successful at calling in his sheep, then we will have four wonderful years to expose his inane presidency, and his and his wife’s racism.

And I will make millions off the book when the four years is up.
