Tuesday, January 27, 2009

They're Running Scared

Just in:

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee — a minor hate group — has launched an attack on Rush Limbaugh based on selective quoting from his excellent interview by Shawn Hannity ... not my favorite guy, for sure.

Taken totally out of context ... which will be totally exposed within 24 hours (this is how the DNC Drive-By machine works) ... they only cut one section of the interview to send to their loser bloggers and other double-digit IQ followers (Hi Peolosi!).

What the real gist of Rush's word was, if Obama is going to try an follow FDR's failed idea of deficit spending, than he hopes he fails. Well, so do I as well of at least 47 million other Americans who voted against this phony American. Let's not forget that FDR failed miserably. His New Deal did not lift America out of the Depression. In fact, it worsened it by adding to our deficit and failed to produce a single private enterprise job. And it sold a hollow belief that Social Security was a retirement system, another total failure that the Democrats are trying desperately to rewrite.

So, the losers on the left are, as usual, expecting Americans to believe that Rush wants Obama to fail, when in fact he quoted, on tape, that as long as Obama wants to help and propel American ideals of promoting capitalism and personal responsibility, then he ... as well as the majority of Americans, will support him. However, if he is going to promote the idiotic idea that we need the government to support us, than all of us who value the true American values hope to hell he fails.

Just say no to Socialism. People need a helping hand up, not a hand out.

This is the good fight.

Week One of the Hostage Crisis

Where to begin?

One thing is becoming blatantly clear: there will never be enough time or space to cover all the fools this new administration is collecting.

I guess I might as well start with the Senate giving the nod to the latest tax criminal, Timothy Geithner, to run our Treasury Department. Here is a guy who cheated on paying his taxes, knew he was cheating on his taxes, pocketed extra money he was paid by the International Monetary Fund to PAY for his taxes that he didn’t pay, and yet the limp-wristed clowns in the Senate give this criminal a pass.

If it had been me, I would have been fined, penalized, and threatened. I would not have been given a pass. But because this is a Democrat, it is OK to not pay for your taxes. It’s a lot like Leona Helmsley when she was quoted as saying, “Taxes are for the little people.” (Obama slobberers, take note.)

In yesterday’s Wall Street Journal (1/26/2009, Letters), we see a dichotomy of intelligence in the Letters to the Editor section. In response to an editorial about how Barney Frank snuck in a bailout to OneUnited Bank in his home state, Maryland, one ignorant woman complains that the WSJ didn’t understand WHY our illustrious, and quite fiscally ignorant, Barney Frank did such a dastardly deed. She points out the very reason Frank added in OneUnited was BECAUSE an African American owned their bank! No shit! I wonder when this Encyclopedia Brown figured that out!

She goes on to say that OneUnited needed the bailout because they had so many bad shares invested in Freddie Mac and Fannie May. No shit? And just who let that happen? Why, Barney Frank! The same guy who porked the TARP for OneUnited!
It is unbelievable the ignorance of the American voter. I’m sure she isn’t a regular WSJ reader, or she wouldn’t be so ignorant to point out the obvious and not understand that is why Barney Frank should be ostracized and thrown off of the House Finance Committee. Not only is this guy if fool, he is dangerous and has more than one hand in the cookie jar of financial destruction he and his cronies on the Left have been playing with.


Today, we see another low-level leftist, John Kerry, writing an op-ed piece in which he decries that president Bush is responsible for all the problems Barney Frank and Chris Dodd and their friends in the Democratic party have laid down on our economy. He whines that the $350 billion of the $750 billion that was shoved through as a so-called bailout of the financial institutions was spent — get this — ON FINANCIAL INSTITUTION! And he blames Bush for spending the money on them, and not on government make-work jobs. Mr. Kerry is an idiot. He voted for this TARP bill, knew all along where it was to be spent (maybe even knew Barney Frank had porked OneUnited), and now that Obama has a new plan to bankrupt the country with trillions more in government make-work jobs, blames President Bush for doing something that the Senate had passed in a landslide.

The only saving grace to Kerry’s puff piece is that the vast majority of WSJ readers know the story, sans Miss Encyclopedia Brown mentioned above.

Obama signed an Executive Order, which he didn’t even know the language that was in it, to close Gitmo in one year. Today we find out that one of the pieces of filth that was turned loose from there, Abdallah Ali al-Ajmi, blew himself up in a suicide attack in Mosul, Iraq. And guess whom he killed? American soldiers? Nope. 12 innocent citizens. Some hero. A real man, wouldn’t you say? Hey, the more these clowns blow themselves up, the better the world gets. Unfortunately, they take women and children with them. Freedom fighters, my ass.

So, Obama needs to pull his head out of his ass and reassess his promises to the peaceniks and get serious about what to do with the vermin held down at Gitmo. Personally, we should have followed the Israeli solution and make sure there are no survivors in the initial firefight. Saves a lot of time, money, expenses, and explanations.

Last, but not least, Democrats on the Hill have inserted language into the next economic stimulus bill to give $4.19 billion to ACORN, the leftist voter recruiting organization that is being investigated for fraud in several elections, not the least is the presidential election of 2008. Seems Democrats were trying to slip this in as “payoff” for making sure people were registered to vote Democrat up to seven and eight times.

ACORN workers registered the same people several times over, and it has been alleged by past ACORN workers that ACORN staffers at polling stations vote all ballots that are not cast by the end of the voting in a precinct. This isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last.

Democrats are known for voter fraud. It's in their DNA. And when an election is close, you can bet the election recount will be stolen. Two choice examples are the governor election in Washington state in 2004. When Christine Gregoire lost to Dino Rossi by 261 votes in the close election. The mandatory recount showed Rossi still won. The Democrats funded their own had recount and lo and behold, Gregoire was ahead! However, the votes were fraud. Many were from felons, dead people and, get this 500 or so people who were registered (after the fact) at a single address in Seattle: a homeless shelter.

Tainted? You bet. Voter Fraud? Absolutely. However, the liberal Washington courts refused to allow the charges and Rossi, after losing to Judge John E. Bridges, decided that there was no way to challenge his case against the Democratic Washington Supreme Court, so finally in June, 2005, he quit the fight.

And now we have Minnesota. Senator Norm Coleman beat Al Franken hands down in the Senatorial race. However, the recount brought out several hundred ballots that were found in the trunk of a Democratic ballot counter's car. Finally, after finding many more ballots, magically Al Franken was ahead. Several ballots show a small mark for Franken, but the bullet for Coleman was completely filled in. No surprise the Democratic ballot counters decided that the little mark meant the voter had wanted to select Franken. Hey, this only goes to prove that when an election is close enough for a recount in a Blue State, the Democrat is going to win.

This is going to be a long four years!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Another Waste of Your Money

No matter what side of the abortion issue one stands on, it is a lose-lose position; nobody wins here.

Today, Obama plans on signing an Executive Order that will effectively allow American taxpayers to pay for abortions around the world. One would think this is about the last thing our country should be doing when we are in an economic collapse. But Obama has to buy off the abortion crowd who helped put him into the White House. Never mind that we have seen trillions of dollars of our retirement money dissapear thanks in large part to Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. Obama and his ilk thing that money just grows on tree.

But wait ... it does! We are printing trillions of paper dollars to spend on wasteful social programs in the sick ... and very misguided ... idea that we can deficit spend our way out of this economic collapse. History proves otherwise, but we are in a new world of "change" we need. Right.

This is another attempt of Obama working to improve America's image in the world: give them money and they will like us!

I don't take a stand on abortion. It's not a winnable fight. My only concern is that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for all these tramps who are out getting laid with some zit-faced kid with a hard on, both of whom fail to use any type of protection. If taxpayers want to pay for these abortions, than it needs to be done through a private program paid for through donations from those who want to pay, and not from the general fund. Give them a tax deduction as long as the institution qualifies, but do not spend my money of these people.

The world is truly evil in some aspects.

The Corrupt Barney Frank

Here we are, less than three days into the Reign of Obama, and, as expected, we already find corruption.

Barney Frank, the misguided and ignorant Democrat Congressman from Massachusetts (no surprise there!) has been doing a little Chris Dodding with Boston's OneUnited Bank. OneUnited Bank has been under attack from its regulators for making less than safe loans as well as giving outrageous bonuses to its executives. (Again, nothing new here.) It also ... get this ... had a bank Porsche for its executive's personal use for pleasure.

Then in November, UnitedOne received $12 million from the TARP bailout money. Now we find out that Barney Frank had purposely written into the TARP bill this money for this bank. This bank was not even qualified to receive a single penny of taxpayer money, but when a Democrat decides to spend your money, it almost gets done without notice. Not this time.

Do not forget that Barney Frank is the powerful head of the House Financial Services Committee, and was directly involved with collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which was the major cause of the financial collapse we are in.

UnitedOne Bank was not allocated for any bailout. However, Barney Frank has tried to justify this infusion of taxpayer money into UnitedOne solely because it is the one financial institution in Massachusetts that is owned by African Americans. This is a clear case of racism, of wasteful social welfare based on skin color.

In Frank's words, "We did say, yes, I thought it would have been a social tragedy if the one minority bank in Massachusetts that has been working so hard and had been overextended into housing was to be wiped out by a federal action, the Fannie-Freddie preferred [shares] thing, and that's why I think it was important to try and help them out."

It's hard to justify this idiot's logic. Here, we have a bank that was following the liberal idea of downgrading applicants for home loans they should never had been allowed to received. These loans were then picked up by Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, of which Frank was a major player. All of this relates back to Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which led to he Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 required Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two government sponsored enterprises that purchase and securitize mortgages, to devote a percentage of their lending to support affordable housing. That led to The Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994, which repealed restrictions on interstate banking, listed the CRA ratings received by the out-of-state bank as a consideration when determining whether to allow interstate branches.

Then In July 1993, President Clinton asked regulators to reform the CRA in order to make examinations more consistent, clarify performance standards, and reduce cost and compliance burden.

As we can see, there has been a pattern of Democratic weakening of the rules for banks to lend money, and a purposeful buying of these subprime loans by federal controlled agencies of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, with Barney Frank at the helm.

But back to UnitedOne. Why did Barney Frank write in an infusion into a bank that was making and selling bad loans, giving its managers big raises, keeping a Porsche for the big shots’ use, and all the while falling farther and farther into financial trouble?

There are only a few answers, but I think it will eventually pan out that Frank was buying loyalty of the black vote in Massachusetts, which is silly since the entire state is in the pocket of the left, and seems to be in financial disarray itself.

Not bad for the first week of the O-Team.

Not Every One Loves Barry

I heard this editorial on Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday as I was heading out with my Lab for a duck hunt. It was originally credited to a Canadian author of unknown name, but was printed in an United Kingdom paper. I wish I could give credit to the author, as it surely explains the thoughts of half of America and all those worldwide who depend on our help via money, bombs, and aid, but until the author comes clean, it will be anonymous.

Obama’s Victory

A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups.

A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor with his teeth.

Victory for style over substance, hyperbole over history, rabble-raising over reality.

A victory for Hollywood, the most dysfunctional community in the world. Victory for Streisand, Spielberg, Soros and Sarandon.
Victory for those who prefer welfare to will and interference to independence. For those who settle for group think and herd mentality rather than those who fight for individual initiative and the right to be out of step with meager political fashion.

Victory for a man who is no friend of freedom. He and his people have already stated that media has to be controlled so as to be balanced, without realizing the extraordinary irony within that statement. Like most liberal zealots, the Obama worshippers constantly speak of Fox and Limbaugh, when the vast bulk of television stations and newspapers are drastically liberal and anti-conservative. Senior Democrat Chuck Schumer said that just as pornography should be censored, so should talk radio. In other words, one of the few free and open means of popular expression may well be cornered and beaten by bullies who even in triumph cannot tolerate any criticism and opposition.

A victory for those who believe the state is better qualified to raise children than the family, for those who prefer teachers’ unions to teaching and for those who are naively convinced that if the West is sufficiently weak towards its enemies, war and terror will dissolve as quickly as the tears on the face of a leftist celebrity.

A victory for social democracy even after most of Europe has come to the painful conclusion that social democracy leads to mediocrity, failure, unemployment, inflation, higher taxes and economic stagnation. A victory for intrusive lawyers, banal sentimentalists, social extremists and urban snobs

Congratulations, America!

I am not alone.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sheeeee's Baaaack!

Today, we see the Senate succumbed by a vote of 94 to 2 to allow Hillary Clinton to be sworn in as Secretary of State. I’m not sure how I feel about this, but I do know this woman is not an honest or worthy person to hold any pubic office. I cannot even begin to check off the illegal things she has done while in Arkansas and the White House. Truly an evil woman, and I doubt she will have the respect that Dr. Rice — a person who actually has numerous degrees in this arena — had.

Here's a tasty image ...

But let’s get to this criminal Timothy Geitner, Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary. Geitner worked for the IMF for four years. The IMF is not responsible for withholding taxes for those it pays a salary to. Each year, the IMF had Geitner sign a paper acknowledging he was responsible for paying his payroll taxes (15+%) as well as income taxes. In addition, the IMF GAVE him the money over and above his salary to pay for these taxes. And what did he do? He pocketed the money.

This guy is a criminal and no one seems to care. He purposely, knowingly, evaded paying taxes (we’ll get to his Nannygate later), and the liberals think this is OK.

Remember Joe the Plumber? The guy who confronted candidate Obama about his taxing small businesses? Joe the Plumber got Obama to say, on tape, that he thought we should “spread the wealth.” Well, the left went ballistic, did illegal searches on Joe and found out he had a $2,000 tax liability he was paying back. The left, and all their bed buddies in the media, tried to destroy Joe the Plumber. But Geitner, now, he’s a Democrat, so it appears it’s OK for a Democrat to cheat on his taxes, but not Joe the Plumber.

The statue of limitations on tax cheats is two years. It has been a hell of lot longer than that. However, it just so happens that the IRS is not going to fine this tax cheat for all those years, or assess interest on the back taxes. I wonder who arranged that?

This guy is a dirt bag. He should be tossed in jail for tax evasion, as well being fined for the entire amount due for his actions.

And this is the guy Obama thinks should run the Treasury Department? This is like having the fox watch the chicken coop! Only a Democrat would like this.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

And So It Begins!

And so it begins …

America has elected its first pseudo African American (45% Kenyan, 5% African American, 40% white-of-English descent), which is quite a success in terms of racial equality, and must be respected. However, the country elected the wrong one. For in Obama we have seen the racist background of a man who has written two books on his false recollection of his father. But that has been beaten to death and nobody cares anymore.

Obama has succeeded in wooing the ignorant of the world. The magical phrase “Change we Need” has been an aphrodisiac to the masses of lost souls. And change we are going to get, but not in any sense of the right change.

For decades, the Democrats have besieged us that deficits are bad, evil things. Let’s think back to the first election of Bill Clinton, who promised tax relief while he was candidate Clinton. Once he became President Clinton, he said, “We have to have this big tax increase because deficits are the worst thing in the world.” Mind you, this was during an economic downturn in the U.S. economy. And now we have Obama promising trillions of dollars of deficit spending on non-producing infrastructure (this does nothing to help the real engine of the economy, small businesses), and telling us that this is needed to bring America back into prosperity. He and many in his realm liken him to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and in fact he is. But the hard truth is that FDR and his idiot Keynesian idea that the country could spend itself into prosperity kept the country in the Depression for an additional eight years. In fact, if it weren’t for WW II, it would have been decades before anything changed. FDR’s programs did nothing but strap us with debt and wasteful social programs, all of which have failed … Social Security seems to pop to the top of the list.

Of course, we must remember that FDR only continued Herbert Hoover’s (Republican) asinine ideas to deal with the Depression: higher taxes, more protectionism, more government deficit spending, more government debt … have we not learned a thing?

The answer is an obvious “No!”

But we can get back to the rewriting of history by the Left. Suffice it to say that any one who is a study of history knows the complete and utter failure of FDR and his policies. All one has to do is research the subject in non-secular, peer-reviewed journals to find out how the average two digit IQ American has been brainwashed.

But today is Obama’s day … and what the hell was Michelle thinking about her wardrobe? My God, I thought the black widow uniform was bad, but this was heinous! Of course, I didn’t watch any of it, but saw the couple on Foxnews.com. Personally, I’m sick of hearing about this guy. Which brings me to a few words I’ve coined. Mark my words: these will go down in history, and remember you saw them here first!

Obamagasm — This is what all those clowns in D.C. were having. Kind of like the wet spot in the pants thing. I still don/t get it; hero worship is something a Libertarian like me doesn’t follow.

Obamanomics — The capitulation of the American economy that follows the idea that government deficit spending on wasteful social programs is good.

Obamanism — Spiritual or secular belief … an epiphany of sorts … that Obama is the second coming of Christ … or that he is the Messiah. This will probably be the first to go once his policies bring on hyperinflation this coming fall, and he and his administration straddle us with debt that will never be paid off.

Obamaspeak — The magical ability to orate eclectic and moving speeches without saying a single substantive thing. Excellent opportunity here for a new college course taught by, who else:

Obamafessors — Liberal college professors who espouse Obamanomics and have had intimate experience with the Obamagasm.

So, we’re off! Obama has a whirlwind 100 days to pay back all the unions, uneducated school kids, eco-terrorists, and all the others he has promised something to. This is going to be one hell of goat rope! If anything, it will be an educational experience into the Liberal psyche!

PS: I wrote this at the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level of 9.6th grade so it would, hopefully, be easy to understand for those with a lower IQ.