Thursday, August 13, 2009

Beware of False Idols ... or Gods for you Liberals

Contrary to what so many dumb, uneducated, and ignorant Americans (and the millions of illegal aliens who were allowed to vote for this socialist) think, Obama is not the Messiah, even though he gave them all wet spots in their crotches and tingles up their legs, like that far left hate monger and faux politico hack Chris Matthews. (Can you imagine the feeble mind of such a person to actually say, much less think that?)

It is becoming increasingly clear that the American public — those who can actually read, think, and put 2 and 2 together — are extremely concerned and scared about the Pelosi Socialistic Solution to getting rid of anyone considered "non-essential, non-utile, and non-desirable" for the Democrat's surreal hallucination of a utopia. The home-grown defiance, and outright condemnation of this ill-conceived and dangerous bill running rampant like AIDS in the House, is rising to epic proportions. Real people are outraged that their elected officials are forcing a plan to remove them from being able to make ANY choice for their, and their family's, health care down their throats.

Folks, this is pure Nazism; what the Democrat bill is designed to do is remove your option to help keep your family well, and alive, at any stage of their lives. It will allow the federal government, which cannot run, much less make solvent, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Cash for Clunkers, or damn near everything else these pompous asses touch, to make your family decisions on who will get the health care needed, and who will be relegated to die.

This is nothing less than Hitler's Manifesto: kill the inferior, the sick, the retarded, the old, and any one else who the government deems as "non-productive" to its ideal of our society. This is unbelievable coming from the "party of compassion." We are becoming a third-world nation, and it must stop. How dare our government try and instill genocide on its people. If this passes in its present form, politicians, as well as those who try and enforce this draconian concepts of human control, will face personal danger that only exists, at this point, in third world countries where the people have the ways and means to defend themselves. The best think twice about the irreversible consequences, to both themselves and the country as a whole.

We are heading toward a revolution this country has never seen, one that will make the Civil War seem like child's play. Like the lady who ripped into the Democrat representative the other day in a town meeting, they have "awakened a sleeping giant." The last time this was said, it was the Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto who said, and I quote, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant." These clowns in congress have no idea just how large, and how powerful, this sleeping giant is.

Stay tuned. The shit is going to hit the fan. Stock up on food, water, gas, and guns. We may very well be needing it.

Like Captain Marko Ramius said when he turned over the Russian nuclear submarine Red October to the United States, "A little revolution now and then is a good thing, don't you think?"
