Well known California cock smoker and far left liberal hate blogger Perez Hilton has made a spectacle of himself this week. Known for attacking Hollywood gas bags, self-proclaimed political wizards, tramps, and sluts, Hilton attempted to bring California Proposition 8 to the forefront of the Miss America Pageant.
I never would have known who Carrie Prejean was if the Pageant people hadn't setup Miss Prejean, who is Miss California, with the targeted question about gay marriage. Why this clown Hilton was on the judge panel is beyond me; he is a nobody. At any rate, Hilton asked Miss California if she though that gay marriage should be allowed in all 50 states since Connecticut had just passed a law allowing it. Miss Prejean, without batting an eye, said she thinks it's great that people can live their lives as they will, but she was brought up to understand that marriage takes place only between a man and women.
This blew the judge panel away. After the total stomping the pro same sex marriage crowd received, and the subsequent riots and hate filled editorials, news, and damn near every other thing in California, they expected to get a sympathy answer from Miss Prejean. This would have given them more firepower to push to have the will of the majority of California's voters overturned.

Boy, were they surprised!
Hilton dropped his head and shook it, obviously stunned at the worldwide brow beating he got from the 20-year-old Prejean. In is hate filled temper tantrum, he took to his blog and called Miss Prejean "a bitch!" and said in an interview that her answer to his obviously pointed and political question was why she lost the title of Miss America. He said she was number one, head and shoulders above the other four finalist, and that he gave her a zero on the question.
How's that party of tolerance thing going for all you liberals?
Personally, I could care less if two boys want to diddle each other, dip shit on their dicks, want to get married, or anything else along these lines. I could honestly not care less. However, I do detest the attempt to destroy anyone as this dip shit has done. On the other hand, he has made her a celebrity, and I am sure she will get a multimillion dollar book deal ... we can pass on a movie deal as all the dip shits in Hollywood walk in lockstep with liberals and homos. Too bad, it would make a hundred million in the first month, something about 9 out of 10 films coming out of hollywood can never do.
In the words of his Messiah, I would just tell him and his ilk, "You lost. Get over it!"