As we all know, this Pork Bill (the REAL name of the bill) was rammed down our throats by liberals who seem to think they have been given carte blanche in running the country (into the ground). I wonder if they even realize that over 50 million people voted against the Big O ... or that out of 310 million people, less than 20% voted for Obama?
Dingy Harry and two the three GOP weasels.

And now we go to the Senate, where Dingy Harry and his cohorts seem to have wined and dined the three liberals in disguise, Specter, Snow, and Collins enough to get these three suck-ups to vote for this wasteful bill.
We have only one saving grace, albeit an extremely thin one: maybe two
of these three sheep will come to their senses and vote nay, thereby allowing a filibuster to stop this destruction of the U.S. economy.
But don't hold your breath.