Monday, May 11, 2009

Aside #5...Sorta...

Been a long two weeks. Our incompetent CIC has began his second Apology Tour, made a huge gaff when trying — very pitifully, I might add — to claiming we, Americans, should follow Churchill's (cigars, not long hair and phony Indian plagiarist from Colorado) ideals of not torturing war criminals (like this idiot knows what REAL torture is), and now we find out, not surprisingly, that he not only lied about his spending bill, but really doesn't have a clue about how economics works: our deficit just increased several hundred billion.

But I want to make reference to David Feherty, the CBS Sports golf analyst who make a very astute and quite accurate appraisal of what our men and women in uniform feel towards our current corrupt administration, and those worthless vermin staining our halls of Congress.

In an interview in D Magazine, a Dallas based publication, on the return of George W. Bush to the Dallas area, Feherty made this matter-of-fact statement:

"From my own experience visiting the troops in the Middle East, I can tell you this though: despite how the conflict has been portrayed by our glorious media, if you gave any U.S. soldier a gun with two bullets in it, and he found himself in an elevator with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Osama bin Laden, there's a good chance that Nancy Pelosi would get shot twice, and Harry Reid and bin Laden would be strangled to death."

This poster says it all.

They should have given this guy a medal.

But what we see is Feherty being forced to apologize to these two dirt bag Congressional whigs. Have we no sense of justice? How is it that only when one makes comment on a conservative or Republican or religious person, slander, hatred, fowl language, and death threats are OK, but if one dares to make a comment on double digit IQ clowns, elected by double digit voters, like Dingy Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, they are attacked from every outlet, every media wonk, and every worthless liberal in the land?

I say we hold up David Feherty as a man of conscious and truth, and someone with a spine, which is a trait that seems to have evaded damn near every one in the nation.

He ought to retract his apology, and stand on his honesty.


Friday, May 1, 2009

Arab Water Boarding

With all the hoopla going on about so-called "torture" by a corrupt administration, it would be nice to see exactly what may constitute what REALLY is torture. So, for my ignorant and despicable liberal acquaintances, here is a little sample...

I guess we EVIL Americans (read Bush) are just too cruel using water boarding on a few guys who were just out to let off some steam.