Friday, March 13, 2009

Is He Learning?

What a change. It was just this past 50 days that Obama has been the Doom and Gloom president, telling us all just how bad things are, that it isn't going to get any better unless we spend trillions of dollars for make-work and pork projects, and that government is the only solution.

And now, after he has been hammered for his immature leadership skills and ignorance of what his rhetoric has caused among the citizens, he finally says, Hey, maybe I should be more positive!

The last three days have seen a market surge, which is a positive thing. However, the administration wants to claim that it is because of their Pork Package that was passed last month (none of which has been disseminated and won't for months yet). No, the reason that the market is on a roll right now is because of two things. First off, Warren Buffet, the clown who supported Obama during the campaign season, but who now is saying that Obama's economic advisors are off base, has come out against an utterly assinine federal mandate called Mark to Market. Not only has Buffet gone public in his idea of eliminating this evaluation system of securities, but so has most of the business world, and now some in Congress are getting on the band wagon.

The idea of mark to market is to believe that the market itself is an arbiter of an asset's worth. Yeah, this works when the market is stable and going up or down as usual. However, it destroys the real value of an asset in times of market break down, which is what we are experiencing. The very idea that this Neanderthalic, archaic valuation system imposed by the SEC may finally be scrapped to the junk bin has had a euphoric effect on the markets. We are seeing positive signs of valuations coming back in line, which is normally around 14-16 price-to-earnings ratio.

So the truth is Obama and his policies have nothing to do with the uptick in investor confidence, which is still at its lowest level in over 80 years. And with almost half of this country's economists telling us that the Obama administration's policies are off track, we may now see a shift in idealism to realism. But I wouldn't hold my breath. Until we break the liberal mentality of government knows best, and get rid of many of these incompetent people (Pelosi, Reed, et al), we are going to see a continuing slide in all facets of our country.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Worm is Back!

The Democrats are quick to lay a dis (the real real word is "dysphemism") on Rush Limbaugh by overtly pulling five words from a 20 minute interview: "... I want Obama to fail ..."

Anyone with a the IQ of a fence post would have asked what context these five words were pulled from. But no ... this is the liberals, and their followers are hate-mongers, illiterate, and ignorant. They walk in lock-step to whatever their leaders tell them. They are no better than sheep.

What Rush said, and that I and damn near every other person I know agree with, is that if Obama is going to push his socialistic agenda — socialized medicine, control of the banks, and run this country into the ground with tax and spend idiocy — then yes, we hopes Obama fails. Who wouldn't? 

So the left went ape shit. They spewed lies and continued to say the five words out of context. Hell, just today my taxidermist started spewing that shit to me about Rush. He went on and on and I finally had enough. I wrote a check to pay for last work I had him do, and politely told him that I vote with my pocket book, that I will not support liberal idiocy, and basically told him he was fired. No more will I spend money with him since he supports the devastating policies of this administration, and is too ignorant to think for himself. That is about $4 thousand a year, or more, that he can forget about, and I'll make damn sure all my associates dump his as well. Maybe when his pocketbook loses its weight he'll get smart. But I won't hold my breath.

OK. Back to The Worm.

Today we find out that many Democrats said the same thing about GW: they wanted him to fail. Big time. They really hate the fact that GW won in Iraq, thanks to the surge, a much despised and attacked brilliant strategy of General Petraeus. 
But the day belongs to James Carville, aka The Worm. 

The Worm told CNN saying he wanted GW to fail, big time, less than nine months into his presidency. Now he says he asked CNN not to air his words ... after 9-11. Right ... and monkeys are going to fly out of my ass at midnight.

Once again we see that what is nobel for a liberal, is a criminal act for a conservative. 

What is Happening?

I leave for a few weeks and look what happens: Dow down a grand and then some, tax cheat Timothy Geithner is out to catch tax cheats, Obama signs a new Earmark Bill, Nancy Pelosi is caught spending millions of taxpayer money hiring Air Force jets to fly her non-stop from wherever she is to wherever she wants to be, North Korea is planning for war and shooting off ICBMs, China threatening American ships ten times away from the International Waters demarcation point ... what am I missing?

We seem to a Congress gone wild. Even Republicans have jumped on the 
Pork Train. Pathetic. 

Here are a bunch of liberals under Pelosi ..

If I honestly believed in Armageddon, as in Revelations, than I would say we are close to it.

Fast times at Porkage High.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Aside #3

I've been on the road the last two weeks, speaking, and man, what happened? The Dow has nose dived, Obama and cronies have promised to double the deficit (and blame it on Bush, even though he is gone), the North Koreans are going to fire an intercontinental ballistic missile, our brilliant intelligence people now say Iran may be able to build up to 50 nukes ... the world went to hell at light speed, and I was entertaining people in Nashville.

As I noted earlier, GM was going to go bankrupt. Its inability to strip the generous programs for its unskilled labor union members, and its failure to totally shut down plants that produce vehicles that do not sell, has led to this. The bailout money it received last fall was used solely to shore up the health care and retirement funds for its unskilled labor employees, and had zero dollars slated to what it was supposed to be for: restructuring its Neanderthalic auto designs. I mentioned then that every economist (there's another group on unskilled people) had said, after the fact, that GM would need about $150 billion just to say afloat for a year, not to mention that did not say make a profit.

We all know that the bailout money given to GM and Chrysler was a payback to the union thugs who voted 99% Democrat. Now, hopefully, our Congress will see the errors of their ways and let this beast die a natural death. There is no reason to waste future taxpayers' money on the auto industry if it refuses to change its antiquated ways of employee benefits and auto manufacturing. 

My only question is how they lasted this long. They started their descent in 1970 with the end of the muscle car and beginning of the plastic, throw away car.